
Latest news

  • 16 November, 2018

    Why pay attention to site statistics?

    We have a website to stay connected and give customers a point of contact, but are we really taking advantage of all it has to offer?

  • 06 November, 2018

    App Store Marketing

    When we're ready to launch our app, there's countless options for what to do next: paid ads, email newsletters, content marketing, among others.

  • 02 October, 2018

    Benefits of videomarketing

    Why is it worth it to create a video for my company? We recount our experience with videomarketing, and explain why it's advisable.

  • 03 May, 2016

    Brand - App - Consumer

    It's interesting to appreciate what brands are really looking for with this kind of app, and of course, the way we consume them.

  • 24 March, 2016

    Email Marketing, Yes or no?

    What's Email Marketing? Should my business make use of it? What is it about? Pros and Cons? Here's a short article about this service.

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