Uses and benefits of a landing page

Uses and benefits of a landing page

In the following article, we'll go into what a landing page is, what benefits it brings and which elements are essential.

For a very long time now, we've been working with our clients on the implementation of landing pages as part of their digital marketing strategies. This is due to how, today, landing pages are another tool for successful marketing campaigns, with a very concrete purpose and designed with a very clear goal. 

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a microsite that generally isn't part of the site's conventional navigation and displays a quick review of specific information. They have a specific, set purpose: converting visitors into sale opportunities (leads). This can range from getting someone to subscribe or register, to selling a product or service.

Which elements are essential?

This kind of website are made up of a series of elements, among which we'll always find an introduction / explanation of why the user's there, a list of benefits or perks for the action the users are invited to take, and of course calls to action, to drive users to subscribe, buy or call. It's important to note that today it's important to develop and optimize our landing page for mobile devices, given that most of the traffic will probably come from these devices.

Benefits of having a Landing Page?

Considerably high ROI (Return on Investment)

By not having to develop a whole new site, and just limiting ourselves to creating this landing page, we save a considerable amount of money we can then use for our campaign budget.

Great user experience

As it usually is a website with all information and content showcased and explained in a single page, the user experience is pretty good, particularly when most of the traffic is coming from mobile devices, where direct communication is key. 

Reliable statistics

One of perhaps the biggest benefits of a landing page is that it generates more reliable data for tracking marketing campaign performance in general. Furthermore, having multiple landing pages will give us a bigger advantage when segmenting campaigns and generate realer results. 

Highlight the service, product or promotion's best features

The use of landing pages also makes it easier to highlight a product or service's best features, so anyone who comes across it can get an overview of the product or service in question, and are therefore more likely to become a customer. This is also the case for promotional campaigns, which take shape when supported by a landing page.


A landing page design can be applied to several marketing campaigns. Meaning, we can reuse the site to showcase different services or products, changing the information but keeping the overall structure. 

SEO Tool

By creating a landing page, we usually end up using a keyword in a way that has a positive effect on our website's SEO, so it also improves our web positioning. 

To conclude, landing pages give you plenty of opportunities to stand out from the competition, but in order to do this it's important to make sure we design, develop, communicate and broadcast in the best way possible, so we can attract our target audience and attempt to convert them into new customers. 

If you're interested in this approach and building marketing strategies based on landing pages, don't hesitate to contact us.

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