Security on the web. Why have a secure website?

Security on the web. Why have a secure website?

In the following article we'll go over what an SSL certificate is, what it does and its advantages.

For some time now we've noticed that, from one moment to the next, our sites have a strange open lock on our web browser's address bar, alluding to something unsafe, open or mostly vulnerable (particularly on Chrome and Firefox). Why does this happen?, How can I avoid it?, Am I vulnerable to something?. We'll go over this topic below.

What's an SSL certificate?

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital guarantee of a website's identity and encryption of the information sent to the server. Encryption is the process of turning data into something incomprehensible that can only make sense with the proper encryption key,

What does it do?

A certificate is a digital "passport" that confirms an online entity's credentials when doing Online business. When an Internet user tries to send information on their credentials to a web server, their web browser can access the server's digital certificate and establish a secure connection.

Advantages of having an SSL certificate

  • Giving your website legitimacy: It confims your online identity and that the website being visited truly belongs to you, with no way for anyone else to impersonate you since only you have the necessary keys to secure the connection. 
  • Data privacy and security: The personal information users may share with your site has end-to-end encryption, so users' data can't be stolen by people trying to "listen in".
  • More trust: Users have more trust in websites displaying this certificate, since the latest web browser versions display a warning message when trying to access websites without it.
  • Better positioning: Google has been insisting on the use of of https, and even released an official article called "HTTPS as a ranking signal" where it shared that having an SSL certificate would now influence search results positioning.

3 main types of SSL certificates

Domain Validation (Basic)

This is the best-known SSL certificate. The security level here is basic, but enough to build some trust in the domain.

Organization Validation (Intermediate)

This is considered an intermediate certificate. The trust built is superior to that of domain validation certificates. This version confirms the domain ownership and verifies the organization's information.

Extended Validation (Advanced)

Of all the SSL Certificate types, this is the most complete. Before issuing the certificate, the website and organization are thorougly audited. This is why it's considered the one with the highest level of security and trust.

To sum up, having an SSL certificate isn't mandatory but having one undoubtably comes with big advantages for your website. It's particularly advisable for businesses or online stores that regularly deal with users and customers' personal data - In these cases, guaranteeing security with an SSL certificate isn't just a matter of security or trust, it's a matter of reputation.

If you're interested in a secure website, improving positioning and guaranteeing privacy for your users, contact us.


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