Developing custom software: Yes or no?

Developing custom software: Yes or no?

In this article we'll share five important upsides that could tip the scales in favor of developing custom software.

Everybody knows a custom solution is the best-case scenario for our company. Nonetheless, whether the money investment this implies is worth it can sometimes be a stressful decision for companies in different stages of growth. 

In this article we'll share five important upsides that could tip the scales in favour of developing custom software.

A perfect fit

The biggest upside of custom apps is, as its name implies, that they fit our business and company's specific needs. It's very common for companies to turn to licensing already existing software, only to later discover the package they paid for doesn't fit all of their business' needs. On the contrary, developing custom software guarantees it will fit our business' every need. 


Another important point is our software's security. Custom development can help keep our company safe from third-party attacks. Most successful hacking attempts on businesses are the result of exploiting vulnerabilities in widely used third-party software. In this sense, custom software is a lot less attractive for hackers since, in comparison, it requires a lot more effort to learn how to exploit the system.


A custom app is perfectly able to interact with the third-party apps our company is already using. Generally, the software we acquire can have compatibility issues with the apps we already use, which makes it hard to use them simultaneously, even when they are able to interact. This can also hinder employee performance and productivity, since they're often dealing with recurring tech issues.

On the contrary, developing custom software, employees will be at the forefront of the conversation while planning, since they're the ones who will be using it.


Developing our own software lets us visualize the macro of what an ideal solution would look like, and develop further modules as our business or company evolves. The evolution of every business and its staff needs to be matched by the technology they use, so being able to add modules to our software is crucial. With third-party software, the best-case scenario is we need to upgrade our paid plan to include a lot more than we will actually use, which is usually very expensive (if it's even an option).

Saving costs

Developing custom software helps save money on infrastructure. Licensing software can often imply acquiring specific infrastructure that meets the technical requirements for it to run correctly. On the other hand, a company that uses custom software can make sure it fits the infrastructure they already have. This helps our business avoid further infrastructure costs.

To sum up

Custom software development for our business is usually the smart choice. If offers a far amount of upsides, particularly in regards to scalability, costs and maintenance. 

If you're interested and thinking about developing custom software for your company, contact us and we can help you along the process.

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